Smart tool to find the best cash back credit card. No more guessing.


We can help you get the most out of your credit card

Maximize your cash back

On average our users earn an additional $563 in cash back per year.

Personalized recommendations

Fintuition analyzes your spend data to find the best cash back credit card for your spend habits.

Always unbiased

Unlike other tools, our recommendations are based on maximizing your cash back, not our partnerships.

Compare every cash back credit card instantly

Testimonials that speak volumes

“I’m going to make an extra $453 this year by just switching my credit card to the one Fintuition recommended.”

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Sharon Bae
Vancouver, Canada

“I knew I had to switch my credit card and was dreading it. This app gave me the best options and I applied for a new card on the spot.”

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Faris Zahid
Toronto, Canada

“Calculating and comparing cash back from different banks is brutal. Fintuition did all the work for me.”

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Amanda Giatti
Montreal, Canada

“I’ve wasted way too much time on NerdWallet over the last year. Fintuition told me exactly what credit card gives me the most cashback based on my personal spending.”

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Robert Langner
Oakville, Canada

Your security is important to us

Best-in-class encryption

Connections to your bank accounts are protected by encryption protocols like the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES 256) and Transport Layer Security (TLS).

We do not access sensitive information

We never ask for, access, or store sensitive information like credit card numbers or social security numbers.

We will not sell your data

Data privacy is at the core of our values. We have never, do not, and will never sell your data.

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